
Jul 11, 2024 Survey on Self-supervised Multimodal Learning is accepted to IEEE T-PAMI!
May 01, 2024 Both VLGuard and Fool your (V)LLMs are accepted to ICML’24!
Apr 24, 2024 Giving a talk about VLGuard at BMVA Trustworthy Multimodal Foundation Models Symposium!
Feb 27, 2024 C-VQA is accepted to CVPR’24!
Jan 17, 2024 Giving a talk about Fool your (V)LLMs at BMVA Vision-Language Symposium!
Nov 06, 2023 Invited talk about MEDFAIR at FAIMI workshop!
Feb 27, 2023 Meta-Omnium is accepted to CVPR’23!
Jan 21, 2023 MEDFAIR is accepted to ICLR’23 as spotlight!