Safety Fine-Tuning at (Almost) No Cost: A Baseline for Vision Large Language Models

Yongshuo Zong, Ondrej Bohdal, Tingyang Yu, Yongxin Yang, Timothy Hospedales
University of Edinburgh, EPFL


Current vision large language models (VLLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities yet are prone to generate harmful content and are vulnerable to even the simplest jailbreaking attacks. Our initial analysis finds that this is due to the presence of harmful data during vision-language instruction fine-tuning, and that VLLM fine-tuning can cause forgetting of safety alignment previously learned by the underpinning LLM. To address this issue, we first curate a vision-language safe instruction-following dataset~\dataset~covering various harmful categories. Our experiments demonstrate that integrating this dataset into standard vision-language fine-tuning or utilizing it for post-hoc fine-tuning effectively safety aligns VLLMs. This alignment is achieved with minimal impact on, or even enhancement of, the models' helpfulness. The versatility of our safety fine-tuning dataset makes it a valuable resource for safety-testing existing VLLMs, training new models or safeguarding pre-trained VLLMs. Empirical results demonstrate that fine-tuned VLLMs effectively reject unsafe instructions and substantially reduce the success rates of several black-box adversarial attacks, which approach zero in many cases.

Figure: Left, Training vision large language models usually consists of fine-tuning previously aligned LLMs, which breaks their established alignment and leads the trained VLLMs to exhibit worse safety than their LLMs. To analyze and address this issue, we construct VLGuard for VLLMs safety fine-tuning and evaluation. Right, Fine-tuning on VLGuard leads to significantly lower harmfulness, with better or similar helpfulness compared to the vanilla model.


  1. We analyze existing VLLMs and underpinning LLMs and show how popular VLM instruction-following protocols make VLLMs substantially more susceptible to jailbreak attacks than the corresponding LLMs.
  2. To the best of our knowledge, we build the first safety fine-tuning dataset VLGuard for VLLMs. VLGuard also comes with a test suite for evaluation.
  3. We propose two strategies for VLLM safety alignment: post-hoc and mixed fine-tuning. Experimental results with state-of-the-art open-source VLLMs show that our fine-tuning strategy and data significantly reduce the initial safety risks and also add robustness to several black-box attacks while not hurting helpfulness.

VLGuard Dataset

We build the first public vision-language safety dataset VLGuard, which includes both a training set for fine-tuning and a test set for evaluation.

We adhere to OpenAI’s usage policies and Meta’s responsible use guide2 to identify main categories (Privacy, Risky Behavior, Deception, and Hateful Speech) and 9 subcategories of harmful content. Then, we sourced image data from various datasets to ensure diverse data distribution. Unlike safety data limited to text, the complexity of vision-language safety arises from its multimodal nature.

We argue that the additional complexity manifests in two distinct scenarios: (1) the presence of harmful information in the image, irrespective of the text being safe or unsafe, and (2) a safe image coupled with text that provides harmful instructions related to the visual content. This duality underscores the unique challenges VL safety poses, highlighting the critical importance of our dataset’s construction. Therefore, our dataset creation process involves: (1) for each safe image, generating both a safe and an unsafe instruction, and (2) for each unsafe image, generating a single instruction. We use GPT-4V to automate the above-mentioned process.

Figure: Left, Number of unsafe examples in each subcategory, across the training and test splits.. Right, Pipeline to prompt GPT4V to create the dataset.


Fine-tuning on VLGuard can significantly improve the safety of VLLMs while maintaining the helpfulness.

Quantitative Results

Result Comparison of original VLLMs and their counterparts after post-hoc and mixed fine-tuning using our VLGuard training set (attack success rate, ASR (%)). VLGuard fine-tuning leads to substantial increases in safety.

Qualitative Results

Qualitative_result The fine-tuned model learns to reject unsafe, misleading advertisment related to medical information.


  title={Safety Fine-Tuning at (Almost) No Cost: A Baseline for Vision Large Language Models},
  author={Zong, Yongshuo and Bohdal, Ondrej and Yu, Tingyang and Yang, Yongxin and Hospedales Timothy},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.02207},